Alekos Fassianos Museum

Alekos Fassianos Museum

Alekos Fassianos Museum: A Collaboration of Vision and Memory

The Alekos Fassianos Museum, a testament to the collaboration between the celebrated Greek artist Alekos Fassianos and architect Kyriakos Krokos, was completed in 1995. Situated in the vibrant neighborhood of Athens where Fassianos grew up, the museum stands on the site of the artist’s family home, a neoclassical house that existed from the 1930s until the 1970s. This transformation from a traditional home into a modern museum encapsulates both the historical and personal significance of the location.

A Walk Through History

The original house, with its inner courtyard and tile roof, was where Fassianos’ grandfather, Andreas, settled when he became the priest of the nearby Agios Pavlos church. Fassianos’ childhood in this lively Athenian neighborhood, surrounded by theatres, cinemas, and street vendors, deeply influenced his artistic vision. Despite moving to Paris, Fassianos maintained a strong connection to his roots. The demolition of his family home in the late 1970s to make way for a block of flats was a poignant moment for him, erasing the physical presence of his childhood memories.

The Dream of a Museum

In the late 1980s, Fassianos shared his dream with Krokos: to create a museum that would house his extensive art collection and serve as a personal exhibition space. He envisioned the museum as a blend of his artistic inspiration and the nostalgic memories of his early life. The chosen location was not only central, close to the National Archaeological Museum, but also imbued with the essence of Fassianos’ formative years.

Architectural Brilliance

Transforming an existing building posed significant challenges. However, Fassianos and Krokos shared a vision that was both simple and profound. Krokos believed in creating structures that wouldn’t deteriorate over time, maintaining a clean and timeless aesthetic. This philosophy is evident in the museum’s design, which employs materials like concrete, stone, mosaic tiles, brick, and plaster, all in earthy tones of grey, red, and ochre.

The museum’s structure is a masterpiece of architectural precision and artistic expression. The use of various materials and the visible structure of the building highlight Krokos’ commitment to authenticity and durability. The intricate details, from the spiral staircase and mosaic floors to the fresco paintings and bronze door handles, reflect the harmonious blend of Fassianos’ artistic vision and Krokos’ architectural expertise. One of the unique features is the metal dragon in the basement, designed to conceal cabling, demonstrating the thoughtful integration of art and functionality.

A Unique Artistic Dialogue

The Alekos Fassianos Museum stands out on the contemporary artistic and architectural landscape of Athens. It is one of the few museums globally where the synergy between the artist and the architect is so seamlessly integrated, creating a dialogue between the artworks and the space. The museum not only showcases Fassianos’ art but also embodies the aesthetic and philosophical principles he shared with Krokos. This collaboration results in a space that feels alive, engaging, and deeply connected to its creator’s legacy.

Visiting the Museum

The Alekos Fassianos Museum is located at Neofytou Metaxa 15, 10439 Athens. It is open to visitors from Wednesday to Friday, 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM, and on weekends by appointment from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. General admission is priced at 10€, with reduced admission available for 7€. To plan your visit and for more information, you can contact the museum at +30 210 881 9079 or visit their official website.


The Alekos Fassianos Museum is more than just a museum; it is a space where art, memory, and architecture converge. It offers visitors a unique opportunity to experience the life and work of Alekos Fassianos in a setting that is as thoughtfully crafted as his art. Whether you are an art enthusiast, a history buff, or simply looking for a serene and inspiring place to visit in Athens, the Alekos Fassianos Museum promises an unforgettable experience.

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Alekos Fassianos Museum

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